Lost Hope

  • Lost Hope. 

I've got this feeling of lost hope
I look around and really there's no hope
No hope for my weary soul
And I so wish the world would know

I searched, I looked but I found nothing 
In my heart of hearts, wished I could see something 
Something to clear this distress
Something that'll draw me outta this mess

Observing, around me all is despair 
Something's growing inside me, it's fear
Everyone cast their deadly glares
And I swear, it's more than I can bear. 

:: Life hits us hard at times and it's like there's no way we can stand up. It might be so bad and like all our hope is lost, like everything is gone. All our plans are shattered and all the bad things. This peom might be a little depressing, but it's for you to note that you're not alone. Not in the least.
We are all humans, life doesnt choose whom to hit, it hits everyone and we all have our bad times and situations to deal with. Don't let yours get the best of you. 
Always remember, others have gone through bad times and people are still going through bad times. There's time for everything, and this one in particular will pass. Surely. 



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